Salim Ahmed started his career in 2001 with Graphic Arts Junior as a printing marketing executive. The last position held General Manager, Marketing in Color Center up to august 2005. He got a great opportunity to work with DR.R.K.Molla was the founder and Chairman of Color Center Bangladesh Inc. and Color Experts International. He worked with this renowned personality at the very beginning of his career.
As a successful entrepreneur, he founded Graphic Center (a USA-based pre-Press Company) and Clipping Path Experts BD. He had been working as the Managing Director of Graphic Center for about four years and now he has been working as the CEO of Clipping Path Experts BD (CPE), Clipping Path Center (CPC), Graphic Experts Online (GEO), Graphic Experts Intl. (GEI) and Graphic Experts India.
Clipping Path Experts BD is one of the best online-based outsourcing graphic designing firms in Bangladesh.
Salim Ahmed is the nephew of DR.R.K. Molla who is the writer of the book “Electronic Color Separation” is used by more than 50 schools in the Canada, USA, and Europe as a text and it is used as a training manual for about 2,000 printing plants throughout the world.